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Soul Understood Reading Membership

Themed Monthly Readings to help you to heal & get to know yourself even better.


Join the Membership

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Soul Understood Monthly Reading Membership.

The Soul Understood Reading Membership will show you how to get in touch with the deepest parts of you.

Through themed monthly readings including topics like past lives, psychic gifts, abundance codes, soul purpose clarity and more - you will gain insight in so many areas of your life that will allow you to move forward with more confidence and help you to remember the magic of your existence.

Healing Stones

I had my first past life reading with Kayla, and going into it, I had no clue what to expect. I was blown away by what she shared with me and the deep resonance I experienced. Everything, from the way Kayla delivered the reading to the information she was able to tap into, was 10 x worth the investment!

Allie Reeves


My reading with Kayla was SO SPOT ON. No words! And I am not one often made speechless.

It felt like she knew me on a soul level that I can't even describe. I still re-listen to my reading to give me a boost of love and motivation any time I'm feeling unclear.

Krista Weber


I have worked with Kayla a lot over the years on a very personal level and I absolutely love my readings with her! They're so healing and have brought me to tears many times. Kayla is someone you can trust and I appreciate her not just as a professional and a teacher, but also as a soul sister.

Emily Cody



Dive Deeper into your Soul Rememberings




Receive a custom and personalized card reading created just for you using the guidance from your spirit team. The messages you receive will be unique to your soul alone and aligned with the monthly theme so you can experience something new every time.



Included in your monthly membership, you will receive a new themed training each month to dive deeper into the topics. You will have the opportunity to submit questions via email prior to the training so you can play a role in the co-creation of each month's transmission!



As the membership grows, you have the opportunity to train with Kayla on how to develop your psychic skills, become certified as a Reiki healer or even become a paid card reader yourself as a part of Kayla's Angel Team!


The Soul Understood Monthly Reading Membership are always open! You can join now at a monthly rate - get access to three months for just $150 per month!

"Let your instincts guide you to choices that align with your best self. Own who you are and be YOUR best, not someone else's"

Theresa Caputo

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